Postnatal Packages
Postnatal Package:
- Eight postnatal visits over a four week period £2400
- Six postnatal visits over a 2-3 week period £1800
One off Postnatal Appointment £250
- Lasting up to 1.5 hour appointment
What to expect at your appointments:
For you
I will check your
- Blood pressure - for any signs of eclampsia
- Blood loss, uterus tone
- Breasts - for any signs of mastitis
- Legs - for any lumps, swelling and signs of DVT
- Wellbeing/emotional support - signs of post-natal depression
For baby
- Feeding - Breast or Artificial
- Health checks including weight, jaundice, cord, colour/tone
- Discuss any tests your baby may need moving forward
- Advice on birth registration and GP
- Arrange a health visitor once our visits have finished.