
Breast Feeding

Two hour birth preparation/breastfeeding workshop – in your home £280

Online breastfeeding advice and support - 30minute online video discussing feeding support £50

Artificial Feeding - (Formula Milk)

One hour bottle feeding support - in your home £140

Online bottle feeding support - 30minute online video - £50

Support and Guidance

If this is your first baby, it may be overwhelming, you are now not only looking after yourself, but another too. There are many worries and questions that come with it. Early feeds and skin to skin can be beneficial for both mum and baby. Breast feeding helps the uterus to contract and your pre-pregnancy shape to return. The first milk (colostrum) is thicker and rich in antioxidants and by day 5 you will see a change to thinner white milk the "baby blues" may kick in as your hormones adjust to the growing demands of your baby.

Breast Milk

Getting these first feeds right with proper positioning and a good latch can make all the difference to your baby's and your feeding experience. Knowing when the baby is sleeping or just controlling the flow is important to be aware of, the online package covers this.

Formula Milk

There are many different formula milks on the market, even some which are ready made. Similarly there are many different teats with variations of flow. This can all seem a bit daunting and is covered in the online package.